Category Archives: Habits

Why my evening calisthenics were harder than usual today: an extra 36 flights of stairs

on December 29, 2023 in Fitness, Habits

No big deal, but my evening calisthenics felt harder than usual today. Today was our first sunny day in a while, so I could finally do my laundry. Since I air-dry, not use the dryer, I avoid doing laundry on rainy days when it won’t dry. So this morning I walked down to the basement and back up five flights. Sun also means I could charge on the roof. All[…] Keep reading →

Short post to save energy

on December 26, 2023 in Habits

Yesterday, the forecast said today would be partly cloudy and Wednesday would be sunny. Today (Tuesday) instead was mostly cloudy and the forecast for tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday was rain. Based on yesterday’s forecast, I cooked a load of famous no-packaging vegan solar-powered stew, draining a lot of the battery, even with the ways I’ve developed to save energy with the pressure cooker. The big challenge: I have two podcast[…] Keep reading →

Year 5, day 1 on one load of trash

on December 25, 2023 in Addiction, Freedom, Habits

This post is about freedom. Several milestones this week following Year 13, day 1 of daily burpees and My Second Winter Solstice: Over 1.5 Years Unplugged From the Electric Grid (and counting). More freedom than ever. I once filled about a load of trash every week. I ordered takeout and bought lots of packaged food. I bought things online. I didn’t realize how much it cost me in money and[…] Keep reading →

Year 13, day 1 of daily burpees

on December 22, 2023 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I started doing ten burpees a day today in 2011 and never stopped. On the contrary, I added more reps, weights, cardio, stretching, and more, which isn’t hard when you keep at it for over a decade. Most days I do fifty-four burpees. For details, here’s my list of all My sidchas, standard operating procedures, and preferences. One of my favorite parts is walking past gyms that cost $235 per[…] Keep reading →

More pictures from volunteering, delivering farm fresh vegetables.

on December 1, 2023 in Habits

These pictures are from volunteering delivering surplus food to the community center a couple months ago. I don’t usually take pictures so when I do I sometimes post them here. I like alleviating suffering. I don’t like watching TV or scrolling social media so I volunteer instead. I don’t understand how people find so much time for social media when we can volunteer.

Setting up solar panels on my roof in about a minute

on December 1, 2023 in Habits, Nature, Visualization

Since people are asking me since the Daily Show segment See the Daily Show’s segment on me: “Is it Possible to Live “Off the Grid” in Manhattan?” how I live, I’m posting some of what I do. Keep in mind the number one most important start is a mindset shift, then continual improvement. When you have an attitude that you can do it, you figure the technology out. It took[…] Keep reading →

Freezing on the roof, gathering energy from the sun

on November 30, 2023 in Habits

Yesterday hit close to freezing. It was cold and windy, but close to the solstice, I get what sunlight I can. For the first time I set up both panels charging both batteries and got close to filling each. I’m not good at selfies anytime. When I had to take my gloves off for the touchscreen to work and the wind, sorry, this is the best I could do: How[…] Keep reading →

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