Search Results for: burpees

The massive power of habitually doing what you don’t have to do: The Ziglar Show interview

on September 20, 2017 in Audio, Habits, Leadership, SIDCHAs

An early memory is of my mother, when she moved into sales and more entrepreneurship, having Zig Ziglar books. This was the late 70s. I was in grade school and knew nothing of business or this guy, except his memorable name. I’m pleased to announce that the Ziglar show, featuring Zig Ziglar’s son Tom and Kevin Miller posted an interview of me, “The massive power of habitually doing what you[…] Keep reading →

My favorite posts

on September 5, 2017 in Blog

With thousands of posts, where do you begin? I recommend scanning the archives. Here are some favorites: My TEDx talks Book page: Leadership Step by Step Book page: Initiative Webinar: Life Changing Habits Self-imposed daily challenging healthy activities (sidchas) Burpees Cold showers Avoiding food packaging I swam across the Hudson River Podcast: Top downloaded guest episodes Podcast: 500: This Podcast’s Next Milestone Podcast: I lost $10 million on September 11,[…] Keep reading →

How to Do More In Less Time

on August 21, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, Tips

[See below for a special extra for my blog readers] My post on LinkedIn yesterday, “How to Do More In Less Time,” began How to Do More In Less Time Who doesn’t want to do more in less time? You get funded more and promoted faster. You learn more. You get more leisure time. I don’t know about you, but I’m lazy and full of excuses. So learning from a[…] Keep reading →

What If the CDC Normalized Activity Instead of Inactivity?

on August 17, 2017 in Fitness, Leadership

My post on LinkedIn today, “What If the CDC Normalized Activity Instead of Inactivity?,” begins What If the CDC Normalized Activity Instead of Inactivity? This post is about my great passion, leadership—in particular, how beliefs, mental models, and words motivate and influence. I also care a lot about: fitness. America’s normalization of sedentary lifestyles Inactivity and diseases of excess are so prevalent in the U.S. that even the Centers for Disease Control’s Benefits of Physical[…] Keep reading →

Join my workshop at the New York Public Library, Saturday September 9

on August 8, 2017 in Education, Events, Exercises, Leadership

You’ve heard about my book, Leadership Step by Step, its 60+ 5-star reviews, and how its exercises change lives. I may have told you about the standing ovations I get at workshops. Now you can see me at a public workshop where I’ll cover one of my book’s most popular (and fun to learn) exercises. Here are the details. Be sure to register! (You can buy a copy of Leadership[…] Keep reading →

Want Ambition? Advice From 5 Achievers

on August 7, 2017 in Entrepreneurship,

My Inc. story today, “Want Ambition? Advice From 5 Achievers,” begins Want Ambition? Advice From 5 Achievers The ambitious secrets of a TED resident, a Broadway star, a Marvel artist, a MakerBot executive, and the entrepreneur bringing them together Ambition. It gets things done. Most Inc. readers have it. Some wish they had more. Many hide theirs. Too many, if you ask me. Like determination, resilience, self-awareness, and grit, among other properties, successful[…] Keep reading →

Unleashed – How to Thrive as an Independent Professional, Will Bachman’s elite podcast

on July 31, 2017 in Audio, Leadership

Will Bachman hosts the podcast, “Unleashed – How to Thrive as an Independent Professional.” He also co-founded the tremendous online community of top-tier management consultants, Umbrex. Will and I have known each other online for a decade as Columbia Business School alumni active in leadership. We recorded this conversation in-person at my apartment. Listen for an intimate, unfiltered inside view of my life as we walk around my place and[…] Keep reading →

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