Category Archives: Exercises

Absurdly Useful Leadership Tactics That You Can Use Today: the second interview with Jim Harshaw

on March 27, 2017 in Awareness, Exercises, Leadership, Models, SIDCHAs, Stories

I don’t know if the interviewers are getting better, if I’m developing in conversation, or if I’m just enjoying podcast conversations more, but it feels like the interviews are getting better all the time. Yesterday, Jim Harshaw (scroll down to learn more about him) of the Success Through Failure podcast posted our second conversation. Second conversations lead to greater comfort, depth, trust, and intimacy, so I recommend listening. We cover[…] Keep reading →

90,000 burpees!

on March 10, 2017 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits,, SIDCHAs

I decided to post my regular 10,000-burpee increment update on Inc. first this time. I’m only supposed to sample the beginning of the article when it first goes up. So click to my Inc. post, “90,000 Burpees Today,” which begins 90,000 Burpees Today I started my daily burpee habit in December 2011. Today I hit my 90,000th. I’m a 45-year old man and I’ve done burpees every day since December[…] Keep reading →

The shockingly valuable life lessons of vigorous exercise

on March 9, 2017 in Awareness, Exercises, Fitness, Habits, Tips

With five Ivy League degrees, especially the PhD in astrophysics, experience teaching at Ivy League and other elite schools, and a father who was a tenured professor in history, I think I’m qualified to know the value of intellectual knowledge. The more I learn through physical experience, the more valuable I find it. The intellectual world, especially schools and universities, value the intellect so much, I don’t think they realize[…] Keep reading →

My health-related activities

on March 1, 2017 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

A podcaster and I were emailing about the possibility of doing an interview. He said his podcast was mostly health related. As I summarized for him my health-related activities, I felt that what I was writing would summarize well here, so wrote it more comprehensively than I normally would have. I like sharing these practices. Note that they are things anyone can do. I mean, if you’re wheelchair bound, you[…] Keep reading →

Leadership Step by Step spotted in the wild!

on February 22, 2017 in Exercises, Leadership

Seen at the Barnes and Noble in Union Square! Some are in the business section, aside Richard Branson, some are downstairs, on the first floor, center. If you’re looking for a copy of Leadership Step by Step, and you should get one if you don’t, I recommend buying these copies. I signed them. I have to say, most of the stages I’ve passed—signing an agent, signing a publisher, finishing drafts,[…] Keep reading →

The Benefits of Experiential Learning for Leaders with Rocket Scientist Joshua Spodek

on February 21, 2017 in Audio, Awareness, Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Habits, Leadership, Perception

Mark Bidwell, founder and podcast host of Innovation Ecosystem, posted today a wonderful interview about Leadership Step by Step, experiential learning, exercises, and more. I can only describe Mark as someone who gets it. He ascended the corporate ladder, where he drove innovation, built teams, and so on, then found there was more to life and is creating resources to enable others to. If you are looking to improve your[…] Keep reading →

How To Lead Better Through Practice: Watch a video with me and David Burkus

on February 20, 2017 in Education, Exercises, Leadership

David Burkus is a writer, speaker, and coach on leadership and creativity. A mutual friend put us in touch and he’s helped me with my book, coaching, and writing since. He’s also hosting the Work Smarter Summit, an online summit of speakers, interviews, teachers, and thought leaders. I’m one of the speakers! … That means it’s quality. Here’s a screen shot: My conversation with him is full of useful information,[…] Keep reading →

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