Category Archives: Freedom

Ecomodernists and Fascism

on October 12, 2024 in Freedom

In this post I’m going to show how many accusations of environmentalists being anti-human would tar the accusers more. I’ll build up to the point by describing the accusers first. Let me start by saying I love reading Steven Pinker’s books and wrote about him and them in my upcoming book, especially Better Angels of Our Nature (2011), which Bill Gates described as “the most inspiring book I’ve ever read,”[…] Keep reading →

Climate Week 2024 Was Monticello 1776

on October 7, 2024 in Freedom, Leadership

I recovered from a week of events known as Climate Week 2024. It felt like 1776 Monticello, Thomas Jefferson’s plantation home. Before reading why, I should tell you that I shared the views below with several attendees of several events and they all agreed. Climate Week brought bold pronouncements from CEOs, government representatives of cities, states, and nations, and cultural leaders. They said we could solve our environmental problems if[…] Keep reading →

What about ambulances, fire trucks, and hospitals? Don’t they help us and require polluting?

on October 3, 2024 in Freedom

Sustainability doesn’t promise you’ll live forever or that it will end all suffering. I don’t want to shock you or hurt your feelings, but we will all die. People we love will die. We will conflict with neighbors forever. No matter what advances we make in medicine, at some point a doctor will be unable to prevent you from dying. Worse, for all the advances made in extending life, other[…] Keep reading →

Fridgeless Means Fresher Food; Day 1 Year 4 without a fridge (like all humans before about 100 years ago)

on October 1, 2024 in Addiction, Freedom, Nature

On September 30, 2021, I unplugged my fridge, aiming for 8 months. I had unplugged it based on an article on one of my favorite sites, Low Tech Magazine: Vietnam’s Low-tech Food System Takes Advantage of Decay. I learned much of the world uses less refrigeration than Americans. We think of fridges as keeping food fresh, but other places have The first time I unplugged, I made it 3.5 months.[…] Keep reading →

One Year Without Plugging Anything In, Even Not At Home

on September 30, 2024 in Freedom

Several responders my Ars Technica article from January 2023, I disconnected from the electric grid for 8 months—in Manhattan, commented things like “You mostly shifted a fair portion of your energy needs onto the surrounding city. Not all, but your electrical bill or lack thereof doesn’t reflect your true energy usage. The city could not function at all if half the people did what you did.” That is, they said[…] Keep reading →

Why changing culture to sustainable must come first, only then pursue efficiency, technology, and laws.

on September 27, 2024 in Freedom

Germany and Japan seem wonderful cultures today. Not so much in 1944, when they were committing among the most grievous atrocities ever. Everyone else wanted to stop them. Nobody considered stopping them by making them more efficient, advancing their technologies, or promoting legislation within them passed by their people. No allied general or politician promoted changing them by offering new technologies or helping them innovate. Making them more efficient would[…] Keep reading →

Are Plastic and Pollution Imperialism? If not, why not?

on September 7, 2024 in Freedom

Regular readers know I haven’t filled a load of garbage since 2019. The most common reactions are surprise, asking me what’s in my garbage, and calling it “extreme.” Being five years into a habit, it doesn’t feel the least bit extreme any more. On the contrary, since what motivates me is alleviating suffering in the people in whom I would increase it for my lifestyle, not acting to pollute much[…] Keep reading →

Characterizing my sustainability journey in the language of presidents

on August 29, 2024 in Freedom, Models

Since I’ve been studying so much American history and seeing American presidents as role models, I couldn’t help stumbling on a characterization of my development. Before I acted, when I knew the problems with pollution and depletion but contributed to them as much as everyone around me, I was like Thomas Jefferson speaking about freedom while owning slaves. Today I still pollute and deplete, but far less than before. I’m[…] Keep reading →

Are more people always better?

on August 10, 2024 in Freedom, Nature

People freak out when talking about population. Many seem unable to talk about deliberately choosing smaller populations from the litany of hating humanity, thinking humanity is like cancer or a virus, eugenics, Nazism, fascism, racism, or sexism. Did I forget any? Steven Pinker wrote that people who talk about population control “repudiate technology and economic growth, and to revert to a simpler and more natural way of life” and are[…] Keep reading →

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