Category Archives: SIDCHAs

I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses

on June 10, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Habits,, SIDCHAs

My Inc. post Monday, “I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses,” began I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses Not having a skill so useful as discipline is a reason to do them, which transformed my life. When I tell people about my burpee habit, their most common response is to suppose I was born with superhuman discipline. I do them daily,[…] Keep reading →

A reader I inspired inspires me back

on June 6, 2017 in Habits, SIDCHAs

Dave found this page a while ago and got in touch with me. He gets the sidcha concept and has been implementing it. In particular, he’s posted in his blog for the past 100+ days and counting. The other day he wrote me: Hey Josh, I recently wrote and published 100 blog posts in the first 100 straight days of my blog, and it’d mean the world to me if[…] Keep reading →

Sidchas lead to achievement like nothing else

on May 29, 2017 in Exercises, Habits, SIDCHAs

Interviewers tend to ask me two questions: What’s with all the burpees? How did you do all the accomplishments? They don’t realize that doing the sidchas is what achieves the accomplishments. I wouldn’t have expected that connection before starting the sidchas. I can’t really explain it now, but I know that doing the sidchas gets the other things done. From the outside you might see sidchas as taking time and[…] Keep reading →

Tathra Street of the Tall Poppy Podcast interviewed me, and it’s a great conversation

on May 24, 2017 in Audio, Leadership, Relationships, SIDCHAs

Tathra Street hosts the Tall Poppy podcast. Today she posted our wonderful conversation, which covered leadership, burpees, competition, and important things we all wish we talked about more. The top of her page says: Change – Leadership – Wisdom The top of mine used to say: Meaning – Value – Purpose You can tell we’d complement in interests. Anyway, she listened and sounded like she took what I shared to[…] Keep reading →

How a habit forms

on May 17, 2017 in Awareness, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs, Visualization

There are plenty of books on habits. Too many, if you ask me. You don’t need books to start habits. In my experience, self-awareness will get you farther. In particular, starting new behavior creates new emotions and reactions. Paying attention to them will guide you how to follow up to improve them more than reading—if you pay attention to everything you can. That level of self-awareness takes time and effort[…] Keep reading →

The Create Your Life radio interview with Kevin Brown

on May 12, 2017 in Audio, Fitness, SIDCHAs

Today Kevin Brown, host of the Create Your Life radio show and podcast, released his interview of me. Kevin and I met public speaking and became friends. He got me to share a painful anecdote I’ve never shared publicly before. As hard as it was to share it, I thank him for giving me the space and support to share it. Listen to our conversation! Listen to our conversation! Kevin’s[…] Keep reading →

Can I pick your brain? … Daniel Gefen’s wonderful, funny, penetrating interview of consistency and greatness you can achieve

on April 28, 2017 in Audio, Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I wish I could convey how much fun Daniel Gefen and I had talking before the podcast. I think it comes out in the conversation. Beyond being fun, Daniel went into depth nobody has about something I long wished someone would—the motivation behind the burpees and sidchas. Most interviewers ask about what I do, less about why or the effects. Daniel delved into consistency and how much it can create[…] Keep reading →

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