Best and Brightest … Genius — Esquire

A once-in-a-lifetime game-changing advance
in our field everyone else will follow
— Marshall Goldsmith

Astrophysicist turned new media whiz — NBC

Passionate … confident … — Forbes

You don't just learn theory from
him, you improve your life.
— Inc.

The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Harvard University, Standford University, Princeton University, MTV, IBM, US Army

My Mission

My mission is to help change American (and global) culture on sustainability and stewardship from expecting deprivation, sacrifice, burden, and chore to expecting rewarding emotions and lifestyles, as I see happen with everyone I lead to act for their intrinsic motivations.

In my case the emotions have been joy, fun, freedom, connection, meaning, and purpose.

Systemic change begins with personal change.

Some of my values. What are yours?
Months living off the grid in Manhattan: 34 (and counting)
Loads of garbage I filled in 2025 so far: 0
Loads filled in 2024: 0
Loads filled in 2023: 0
Loads filled in 2022: 0
Loads filled in 2021: 0
Loads filled in 2020: 0
Loads filled in 2019: 1
Loads filled in 2018: 1
Loads filled in 2017: 1
Days picking up litter: 2,898 and counting
Years not flying: 9 (108 months) and counting
2024-25 grid electric grid use at home: 0 kilowatt-hours
Annual carbon emissions: about 1 ton
Daily burpees: 246,405 and counting
Resting pulse: 46 bpm


My biggest downside to aging so far

on March 21, 2025 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I’ve passed the milestones everyone my age has. Some I like, like developing patience and wisdom. I may not have much of them, but more than before. I felt my potential strength decrease in my thirties. In my forties I lost yet more, and found even walking counted as exercise. Also in my forties, I noticed injuries took longer to heal. Injuries that in my twenties would hurt and affect[…] Keep reading →

808: Silvia Bellezza: Sustainable Marketing at Columbia Business School

on March 20, 2025 in Podcast

Silvia created the course Sustainable Marketing at Columbia. It’s an elective and has become the class at the business school with the most students from other schools at the university. In looking for a guest speaker on sustainable consumerism, she found the New York Times profile on me. She decided to invite me before realizing I’d gotten my MBA where she teaches. Only when we spoke did she learn I[…] Keep reading →

One Year Without Access to My Own Roof. Nothing Replaces Hands-On Practical Experience.

on March 20, 2025 in HandsOnPracticalExperience, Stories

My building has been doing work on the facade, which for some reason meant no residents have been allowed on the roof. The building management told us they projected it to be a five month job. Today marks one year. They didn’t warn as when the day we couldn’t access the roof would begin. They told us it would happen some time. Then one morning they emailed us that that[…] Keep reading →

“These are the times that try men’s souls”

on March 19, 2025 in Freedom, Leadership, Nature

I confess I haven’t read Thomas Paine’s The American Crisis, but I’m working so much on opposing coercion and tyranny, I keep coming across him. I’m trying to learn more about the conditions that led to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Learning history is one thing. Getting inside the hearts and minds of the people acting is another. What values were they acting on or not? If you[…] Keep reading →

Our Deepest Values: “Do, Leave, Live, Love”

on March 18, 2025 in Leadership

I like finding patterns and making mnemonics. I like making acronyms like sidcha, which I use here a lot, and PAID culture, which I use in my book, for concepts I use a lot but that don’t have words for. I create the term doof, which I find life-changing. I write a lot about values that as far as I know approach universal in human cultures, though I’m not an[…] Keep reading →

Replacing “comfort and convenience” with “the perks of being at the top of a dominance hierarchy” or “the perks of being a tyrant”

on March 17, 2025 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Freedom

Word choice matters. Why speak if you don’t want to be understood? It’s not their responsibility for me to be understood, even if I get mad at them for not understanding me. I recently wrote how I was Replacing “sustainability” with “not hurting people” and “polluting” with “hurting people” since “sustainability” is too abstract in many cases, as is the “environment.” I’m not trying to help some abstract environment. I’m[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media, March 16, 2025: Judgment at Nuremberg, Venomous Lumpsucker

on March 16, 2025 in Tips

This week I finished: Judgment at Nuremberg, directed by Stanley Kramer: A friend recommended this movie, I think because I’ve been talking about how there aren’t in our environmental situation the “bad guys” everyone thinks. There aren’t “good guys” either. We’re in a system that nobody deliberately created. My book traces the origins of how our system started from people doing things nobody could have expected to lead here. We[…] Keep reading →

Social media executives don’t let their children use social media. This time it’s personal.

on March 15, 2025 in Addiction, Doof

Months ago, when I read Adam Alter’s book and hosted him on the podcast, I learned that executives of social media companies often don’t let their children use the services they work for. They know they design them to addict. I recently saw an old friend who works at Facebook. He has two kids. I asked him if he let them use Facebook. He said “no,” with a look of:[…] Keep reading →

Honoring fallen auxiliary police officers

on March 14, 2025 in Freedom, HandsOnPracticalExperience

I’m approaching one year training for and participating in the NYPD auxiliary police program. I wrote earlier about mustering for the September 11 service. Tonight I walked in the annual memorial service for two auxiliary officers who were killed on duty on this day in 2007. I took this picture as we were starting. Here’s a picture another auxiliary officer took from inside the group. I’m not sure if I’m[…] Keep reading →

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