Category Archives: Exercises

See my webinars on Initiative to Wharton and U. of Chicago Business School alumni.

on July 14, 2020 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Leadership

I recently spoke online to alumni groups from the Wharton and University of Chicago business schools on developing initiative, specifically from my book, Initiative. Here are reviews from NYU students who did the exercises I describe in them. I asked if I could share the videos from the webinars. Here they are. As I say in them, I designed them to give you enough to work with on your own.[…] Keep reading →

My reflection on an exercise assigned me: Drinking a Hot Beverage Without Judgment

on May 23, 2020 in Awareness, Exercises, Nonjudgment, Perception

A friend recommended to me an exercise I hadn’t heard of. It sounds like the Three Raisins exercise I learned from Jon Kabat-Zinn, included in my leadership book, and assign in my leadership class. She didn’t explain much about it, but my experience with experiential exercises told me that doing it would reveal more than any explanation. The exercise The instructions: Drink a hot beverage and when I think judgmental[…] Keep reading →

297: RIP James Lipton, a huge influence and inspiration

on March 4, 2020 in Art, Creativity, Education, Exercises, Leadership, Relationships

James Lipton, who started and hosted the show Inside the Actors Studio, died yesterday. Here are the notes I read from for this episode: I could talk about how much I enjoyed the episodes, his humor, and a few things I learned from his guests that only his interviewing could have elicited but I will go deeper, to share how fundamental his work has been to mine. Many times I’ve[…] Keep reading →

Hear me on the Ask Women podcast

on February 14, 2020 in Audio, Education, Exercises, Leadership, Nonjudgment, Stories

Would you expect me on a podcast called Ask Women Podcast: What Women Want? With an episode title “How To Be A Leader With Women | The BJ Technique“? Yes, ‘BJ’ meaning what you think. Here are the notes about the hosts, Marni Kinrys and Kristen Carney: What do a female comic and a professional wing girl have in common? The realistically raw and hilarious perspectives on what women ACTUALLY[…] Keep reading →

My electric bill after a month with the fridge off

on February 9, 2020 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Exercises, Nature, Visualization

A little over a month ago, I wrote in How long can I keep my fridge unplugged? how learning about fermentation and uses of electric power led me to see how long I could last in the winter with my refrigerator unplugged. Deciding to start First, I want to reiterate my process to decide to start the challenge. First the idea to try it came. Then I wondered if it[…] Keep reading →

Adding less salt, sugar, and fat makes you taste more of each

on December 11, 2019 in Exercises, Nature, Perception, Tips

Salt I wrote about my salt experiment of going a month adding no salt to any food. As I expected, though was still surprised at the result, when I added salt after that month, my normal amount tasted horribly over-salted. Adding maybe twenty percent made things taste as salty as before. Besides reducing my salt without using as much, I also became more sensitive to all the other flavors of[…] Keep reading →

My dominant question. What’s yours?

on November 5, 2019 in Awareness, Exercises

I saw friend-of-a-friend, podcast host, and memory expert Jim Kwik speak this morning. He mentioned a concept related to inner monologue: one’s dominant question. He talks about it more on his podcast, but briefly, the concept relates to our inner monologue — the voice running nonstop in our heads. I’ve written on inner monologue, including an exercise to help make you aware of yours: The Most Effective Self-Awareness Exercise I[…] Keep reading →

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