Search Results for: marathon

How a different model can change everything: genius, shoes, planets, the universe, humans, gods, and sex

on June 5, 2015 in Awareness, Models, Nature, Perception

Following up yesterday’s post on how one simple change in perspective can dramatically change how you view things, which then changes how you react to them, here are a few other examples. Note that I’m not writing about right or wrong, just different beliefs and following how small changes in beliefs can lead to big changes in behavior and mood. My goal is to promote flexibility in beliefs. Running shoes[…] Keep reading →

How to enjoy every day, with no bullshit

on May 19, 2015 in Fitness, Models, Perception

As far as enjoying life goes, I see it like running a marathon, though you can substitute any challenging activity with a specific goal. You might think the glory is in the step across the finish line, but every step is as important as every other, be it the first step, number 1,234, number 2,341, or whatever. Realizing every step is as important as any other lets you enjoy every[…] Keep reading →

Central Park in the Spring

on May 16, 2015 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, Nature

This morning was beautiful in New York City. I was thinking of a running, but when I saw how nice it was I couldn’t stop from taking the train to Central Park and running in my favorite place in the world. A mile in it started drizzling. It turned into a downpour, for roughly the second mile. You rarely want to run in the rain but once it happens, you[…] Keep reading →

Pain I like

on May 8, 2015 in Fitness, Nature

Spring came late this year to New York City. Two days ago the weather was beautiful enough I had go running. I ran down to the Hudson and turned north, usually about a five-mile run when I turn around at 45th Street. The weather was so beautiful I kept going. Figuring out how much farther makes you balance enjoying the outdoors, risking being too tired to get back too far[…] Keep reading →

Better than what used to be good

on May 6, 2015 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Exercises, Fitness, Habits

This morning I read New York magazine’s weekly listing of bars and restaurants, describing fun places in the city to go to. They have a section listing some activities called “The Cut,” which I think means these are the activities that “make the cut” of their curating. I used to read the listings to find things to do. The section is for that, and I presume many people use it[…] Keep reading →

This pattern improves your life

on February 3, 2015 in Art, Awareness, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Fitness, Habits, Tips

Notice this pattern and you’ll know how to improve it. It applies to an activity. I’m thinking of exercise when I write it, but many activities fit it. The pattern When you’re not about to do it, you think of it as something you generally want to do. When you’re about to do it, you feel anxious, maybe to the point of fear. You have to overcome that anxiety and[…] Keep reading →

New category: visualizations!

on February 2, 2015 in Models, Visualization

Some of my favorite posts are when I visual model something complex. I created a new category, “Visualizations,” and in this post will link to most of them. Below are some of the visualizations I made. They’re out of context, but click on any to see the posts they’re in. I predict you’ll like them. Or click on the Visualization category to see all the posts in the category by[…] Keep reading →

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