Search Results for: meditation

Quora Saturdays: Advice on sales and leadership

on July 9, 2016 in Leadership, Quora, Tips

I’ve been answering questions on the social media site Quora for about a month. My responses are getting more views and upvotes, so I thought I’d put some here, since the posts there are like posts here for readers who don’t feel like going there. I’m thinking about making a standard Saturday practice of collecting my responses here from there for the week. Since I have a month to catch[…] Keep reading →

Five years of daily posts! Not one missed.

on January 28, 2016 in Creativity, Habits, NorthKorea, SIDCHAs

When my friend set up this blog page for me, I asked him how often he blogged. I expected him to say something like three days a week, weekdays, when big events happened, or something like that. Instead he said “Every day,” then adding: If you miss one day you can miss two. If you miss two, it’s all over. I took the practice to heart. Today finishes my fifth[…] Keep reading →

My beliefs from a week of writing them

on December 22, 2015 in Awareness, Exercises, Models

Here are the results of doing the exercise from this post, “An exercise in knowing your beliefs; so you can change them.” for a week. I wrote beliefs down each day, then put them on a file on my computer. I didn’t keep track of what order I wrote them in, so the numbers don’t mean anything. I just use them for reference. I’m including my word-for-word results to show[…] Keep reading →

Everyone gets distracted. Here’s how to overcome it.

on December 9, 2015 in Awareness, Entrepreneurship, Habits, SIDCHAs, Tips

A student in the online entrepreneurship course I’m creating asked about distractions. When he wants to work, he often gets distracted. I think me answer will help others so I’m sharing it here. Most life-long valuable things have long-term, non-urgent reward. Things that have immediate reward or urgency will distract. For example, if you want to do well at school, the reward for working on a project may come days[…] Keep reading →

Yoga, attention, nuance, and subtlety

on October 15, 2015 in Awareness, Exercises, Fitness, Habits, Perception, SIDCHAs

A reader wrote to ask about my August 2012 post, “Three things I learned from yoga” “With yoga you can use your body alone to create many emotions and learn how to handle them.” Have you written more about this? I can only see me creating fear, determination, calmness, anger and patience. These don’t count to many, so I wonder what other emotions could one create? I haven’t done yoga[…] Keep reading →

Non-judgmental Ethics Sunday: Your World Cup Ethical Questions, Answered

on December 28, 2014 in Ethicist, Nonjudgment

Continuing my series of alternative responses to the New York Times column, The Ethicist, looking at the consequences of one’s actions instead of imposing values on others, here is a take on today’s post, “Your World Cup Ethical Questions, Answered.” The column doesn’t have a new post today, so I guess the Times gives the writer a vacation, which seems odd for a once-a-week column with only a few paragraphs.[…] Keep reading →

Hold yourself accountable with precision. It gives you freedom.

on December 10, 2014 in Awareness, Fitness, Freedom

Do you stress over eating more than your want on the holidays? I found a great way not to that applies in many other places. Since getting more fit, I’m more sensitive to smaller changes in my fitness. When I used to have more fat, eating more than I wanted for a few meals didn’t change much on my body. To go from having some fat to a little more[…] Keep reading →

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